The adventures and escapades of a norseman. Lost and a long way from home, but with a motto: "Kill only time, take only memories, leave only bubbles".

The "old section", the one containing the central America trip 2007 is in Norwgian only, and a messy thing it is. I will try to keep this one cleaner:) I should also mention that my motto is stolen form the Utila Dive Center logo. What a place! Got a few pcitures from the trip, gathered in the slideshow to the right, but I will try, or rather make sure, not to loose my camera this time.

The slideshow below will be updated when ever I put a new picture in a post.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Last preparations...

It is now in the middle of the night, 6 hours and I will be on my way to the airport. Smoking fresh passport, 20 gb of mp3s, camera and the travel documents. Sadly no visa for Iran (the embassy did not accept that I had no fixed destination and I did not have the time to get a hotel booked), but I will try again in Ankara.

I travel light, one bag - ten kg. Clothing mostly, a sleeping bag and a smaller shoulder bag for books etc.

So what do I leave behind? Lets see, I had to dig my car out of the snow the last day, half a metre or so. Then the cold came, wich is actualy nice because at least it's not wet..... very wet.

What do I seek? Sun and a couple of dives in the Red sea, ancient culture, but most of all Iran. I will not give up before they stop me at the border, but I will admit it might be hard.

How do I get home? Well that is not excatly fixed yet.... in any way, but I am pretty sure that I will travel by train from Turkey, through eastern Europe, maybe Germany and Denmark or Sweden home. Even Russia/Finland has crossed my mind, but it is all in the future.

Next time: Egypt!


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