The adventures and escapades of a norseman. Lost and a long way from home, but with a motto: "Kill only time, take only memories, leave only bubbles".

The "old section", the one containing the central America trip 2007 is in Norwgian only, and a messy thing it is. I will try to keep this one cleaner:) I should also mention that my motto is stolen form the Utila Dive Center logo. What a place! Got a few pcitures from the trip, gathered in the slideshow to the right, but I will try, or rather make sure, not to loose my camera this time.

The slideshow below will be updated when ever I put a new picture in a post.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's back.... -What's back?? ....IT!

Ok. I wil try it in English this time, so please correct me when I am wrong! The last time, I travelled central America, got to San Pedro la Laguna, got stuck as many before me. The blog kind of stopped on arrival.

This time I will start in Sharm el Sheikh, travel Jordan, Syria, Lebanon to Ankara in Turkey. In Ankara I will meet up with we an old friend. From there I hope to take a bus to Iran. Teheran, the ruins of Persepolis and as wikipedia told me: "the home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC", and who could imagine -one of the worlds biggest alpine skiing resorts!

-MMmmmMMMMMmm, sounds like a lot of really old stone buldings to browse!

The plane leaves first Firday, arrives Egypt in the afternoon. Guess the next post will come around then. I have done one thing different this time. Last time I arrived Mexico with no bookings, plans or whatever. When my VISA card turned out not to work I had a problem. This time I booked to nights at a small hotel, with transfer from the aiport. Let us hope it runs smoothly:)


  1. I wish I could join, hope you continue writing in english in steat of knackebrod-language :-). You never know, maybe I visit you at smme remote place, but for now: GOOD LUCK, ENJOY!!

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