The adventures and escapades of a norseman. Lost and a long way from home, but with a motto: "Kill only time, take only memories, leave only bubbles".

The "old section", the one containing the central America trip 2007 is in Norwgian only, and a messy thing it is. I will try to keep this one cleaner:) I should also mention that my motto is stolen form the Utila Dive Center logo. What a place! Got a few pcitures from the trip, gathered in the slideshow to the right, but I will try, or rather make sure, not to loose my camera this time.

The slideshow below will be updated when ever I put a new picture in a post.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Amar Sina, Sharm el Sheikh

The moon of Sinai, or Amar Sina. It is a hotel, built like an old Egyptian village, at least so I am told. It is nice, cheap(ish), and it is not packed.

I took a bus to the beach, Naama Bay. What can I say, it is hell on earth. Going down the stairs from the bus stop, makes you think of an old Attenborough documentary, when he is shooting a pack of sea lions, creeping up on some rock in the ocean to breed. I guess that some of the "fine ladies" here will even match their weight.

I have one more night booked in this place, then I hope to go further. I guess my next stop will be Dahab, where I hope to find a hostel, and some freaks. Freaks of own choice that is, the freaks of nature are all gathered here.

Should mention that I arrived at the airport and went looking for my "included transfer" to the hotel. They did not show up, and until I get a refund from the company, my advise is to stay clear of the - it is a scam! At least they do not stick to the deal! I have mailed them now and hope to get an answer soon....

So how is Sharm El Sheikh?? Just as bad as you where told, to quote my good friend Brenners - "sounds like it is full of cunts who will rip you off and rob you. very touristy". Well Brendan.... guess wou hit the nail right on the head!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Last preparations...

It is now in the middle of the night, 6 hours and I will be on my way to the airport. Smoking fresh passport, 20 gb of mp3s, camera and the travel documents. Sadly no visa for Iran (the embassy did not accept that I had no fixed destination and I did not have the time to get a hotel booked), but I will try again in Ankara.

I travel light, one bag - ten kg. Clothing mostly, a sleeping bag and a smaller shoulder bag for books etc.

So what do I leave behind? Lets see, I had to dig my car out of the snow the last day, half a metre or so. Then the cold came, wich is actualy nice because at least it's not wet..... very wet.

What do I seek? Sun and a couple of dives in the Red sea, ancient culture, but most of all Iran. I will not give up before they stop me at the border, but I will admit it might be hard.

How do I get home? Well that is not excatly fixed yet.... in any way, but I am pretty sure that I will travel by train from Turkey, through eastern Europe, maybe Germany and Denmark or Sweden home. Even Russia/Finland has crossed my mind, but it is all in the future.

Next time: Egypt!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's back.... -What's back?? ....IT!

Ok. I wil try it in English this time, so please correct me when I am wrong! The last time, I travelled central America, got to San Pedro la Laguna, got stuck as many before me. The blog kind of stopped on arrival.

This time I will start in Sharm el Sheikh, travel Jordan, Syria, Lebanon to Ankara in Turkey. In Ankara I will meet up with we an old friend. From there I hope to take a bus to Iran. Teheran, the ruins of Persepolis and as wikipedia told me: "the home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC", and who could imagine -one of the worlds biggest alpine skiing resorts!

-MMmmmMMMMMmm, sounds like a lot of really old stone buldings to browse!

The plane leaves first Firday, arrives Egypt in the afternoon. Guess the next post will come around then. I have done one thing different this time. Last time I arrived Mexico with no bookings, plans or whatever. When my VISA card turned out not to work I had a problem. This time I booked to nights at a small hotel, with transfer from the aiport. Let us hope it runs smoothly:)